Academy of Learning Financing options

Academy of Learning College provides financing options if you have no other options available. For more information, please call us at 365 788 4080 or contact us and speak with a qualified Financial Aid Administrator.

Bank Solutions

Please talk to your bank for more information.

Human Resources Development Canada

Human Resources Development Canada, HRDC, has a number of programs, for eligible clients, contemplating specialized career training. Individuals who meet their criteria may be eligible for funding to attend the Academy of Learning.

It is necessary to consult a HRDC representative to explore relevant funding options available to you.

Government Student Loans

Financial aid assistance is available to those who qualify.

Second Career Funding

What is Second Career Funding?

Laid off? Looking for a new career? Second Career is an Ontario government program that can help you. Academy of Learning College will play an important role to assist you to get into this program so you will be able to:

  • Train for a new career
  • Find out what is needed in the job market
  • Learn about careers that build on your skills
  • Get financial support

How can it help you?

Second Career helps people get the training or education they need to get a good job. It provides financial help up to $28,000 to pay for tuition and things like:

  • Books
  • Living expenses
  • Help caring for dependents
  • Travel
  • Transportation
  • Disability supports
  • Other living and training costs

How does it work?

Second Career starts with a visit to an Employment Ontario assessment centre.

A counselor will talk to you about your goals, and the kind of help you need. If Second Career is the right choice, the counselor will help you prepare a training plan and apply for Second Career.

Our counselors will help you get started and provide ongoing advice.

What will the counselor need to know?

Your counselor will want to know about:

  • Your work history
  • Your education and training
  • Your skills
  • Your interests

This will help you and your counselor think about the kinds of careers you would enjoy, and be successful at.

What should I do now?

If you think Second Career might be right for you, visit an Employment Ontario assessment centre and learn more.

You can find an assessment centre on this website.

Or you can call our toll-free Employment Ontario hotline at 1-800-387-5656 and ask about the centre nearest you.

How do I apply?

For more information about how you can benefit from the Second Career Strategy, call us at 365 788 4080, or go to Contact Us page to fill in an inquiry form with your questions.

If you’re looking for advice on your education financing, we have a variety of options that will assist you in upgrading your skills and building your career future.

Bhoomi ShahFinancial Aid