Privacy Policy
Personal Information:
What is Personal Information?
Personal information is information that identifies you as an individual. It includes your name and address, phone number and email address.
Why Do We Ask You for Your Personal Information?
There are some purposes for using your personal information which are self-evident. Self-evident purposes should be clear, but if you have any questions, just ask us. In addition to those purposes that are self-evident, we ask you for your personal information for the following purposes:
to understand your needs,
to determine the suitability of products and services for you,
to provide you with information and offers on our products and services, or those of others, that we believe may be of interest to you
Sharing Your Personal Information
Your personal information is shared within the Academy of Learning group of franchises. We do not offer or sell information gathered to any outside parties.
Each Academy of Learning College is operated by an independent owner/operator licensed by LaunchLife International Inc. “Academy of Learning” and the other trademarks associated with the Academy of Learning System are owned by LaunchLife International Inc., and are used under license.